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Wednesday, June 16, 2010


okeyy..assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh.

nk cerita hal tentang hari ini n to describe what have happened today is not sumting easy to be type in dis entry.
as usual , hari ini mmg suasana dingin mcm bese dlm bilik. ckp pun mcm nak tanak je.
but! ad berita yg agak buat aku tegelak gle lah td.. haha guess what huh?
okey okey! pause!! its not my intention to open up stories of you cerita menarik korg telah buat aku membuka kembali kesah mereka.
hahahahaa.. okey okey! til now , aku maseh nk tergelak. sori.. aku taw ta bek gelakkan org, tp ta kesahla korg nk bebaek semule ke lepas nh, yg penting, aku agak simpati ngn ape yg jd. (:

im not keeping up revenge , but fer what both of you had accused waktu cuti dulu was something innegotiate n unacceptable. sorry to say , but you guys deserve that!! wanna talk how deep was my angry to both of you , yes it is as deep as hell could be. im hurt enuff dengan fitnah korg ckp aku bukan2. FCUK you guys. so , skrg sbb JIN SIAM aku tuh ke korg pisah? haha. FUNNAAAY!!! hey ini zaman bkn tok kadok punye la nk men2 jin siam. aku ta sejahat yg kaw tuduh. tp kaw mmg sejahat yg aku sangka. utk perempuan baru anda tuh ,  ouh i guess i know you. if ur d poli girl yg lelaki tuh ckp , ouh ur so lucky to be fcuked!! Hermm..

well. tahniah. n kaw perempuan , maaf. kaw pon sgt deserve utk dtgglkan. dgn cerita bohong kaw makan benda2 kotor yg aku bagilah konon. mane bukti? kau cerita kt abg aku, n abg aku ckp kita bole bwk hal ni ke mahkamah n buat saman malu sbb kaw fitnah aku. haha. kaw sgt kelakar tahu?
aku maseh ingt lagi ayat2 kaw waktu kaw dtg nilai nk cari pasal dulu. siap bwk hazim. heh..
nk ckp aku maseh nanges pasal korg, ha'ah mmg. sbb korg mmg jahat. bkn ingt sbb korg pnh jadi kwn, tp ingt yg korg punye kejahatan. perit tahu? kalaw lah org buat mcm tuh dkt kaw, hah time tuh baru kaw akan nanges air mata darah. time tuh, tade sape akan lap utk kaw.

in my previous entry ,  aku da ckp, whatever bad happen to you guys later, i WILL NOT HAVE A SINGLE SYMPATHY! thats my promise. n now, yup2, im just laughing to see you guys far apart.
bercinta bagai nk rak. lupe dunie. buat aku mcm org paling bersalah. buat aku nmpk jahat time kt nilai dulu.
heh. itu sume aku ta pernah lupe walaupun satu. tahu? ape yg penting, korg seda ape kesalahan korg.
aku maseh mcm dulu. cool with your accusation. it is a crime to be told.

i wanna stay out of this. its not my stuff anyways,. sorry talking bout you guys, but as long as you guys din came up to me n say sal bomoh2 tuh just cerita rekaan korg semata2, i will n always talk on this piggy thing. 

thanks .


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